Today's post I wanted to talk about mixing old pieces from your closet with newer pieces. As I was getting dressed this morning, I had the thought every woman has, "I have nothing to wear"! But with a closet and two dressing drawers full of clothes, I must have SOMETHING! As I rummaged through my closet I found an old blazer that I haven't worn in YEARS (4-5 years to be exact), along with an old top which I also haven't worn in years. I thought ," WOW! I forgot all about this"! I think most people could relate. Since I was in a hurry for work I had to pair those items with something fast. I grabbed my shorts, you know... because it's August and all, pulled out a pair of booties I retired a while back, but couldn't resist pairing them with this outfit to match the gold accents from the jacket to the booties. Then I realized, old clothes don't have to be forgotten about just because we add clothes into our wardrobe as seasons change. We just have to get creative with our styling.
And P.S
When you retire something for a while, people forget they've seen you in it, which makes it appear new all over again.
Until next time,