Today's post is not about me or my style. I wanted to bring attention to my amazingly creative friend, Ronald Delasancha. He has been the brains behind the latest posts for Fashion Cassonade. We first met a year ago through work being as how he's a fellow Visual Merchandiser. Instantly we clicked over our shared love of frequent ten minute breaks and reciting "Mean Girls" quotes. As time passed, I got to see just how much more of a beautiful person he is. He's incredibly gifted when it comes to photography, but you already knew that. He has the biggest heart that he down plays with his sarcastic trash mouth (my absolute favorite part about him). As busy as he is with work, family and other fabulous obligations, he takes the time to help me with my blog.
I have to say, even if we weren't friends or I didn't know him, I would have to give him props on his style. He has the ability to wear what he feels according to his mood, much like myself. One day he's "80's Prep Boy" and the next he's "Punk Rock". I love how he gets that fashion isn't to be taken too seriously or to hold yourself to only one style genre.
Oh, wait.... and did I mention he's single!? Just throwing that out there!
Love you RonBon!