The aphorism "clothes do not make the man" strongly applies to today's post. Wearing nice clothes are never a bad thing and no one should be made to feel bad for taking pride in their appearance, but once you strip away your clothes; who are you? I take pride in being able to say I know my inner self. It took me a long time to get here and be comfortable in my own skin. After all, in my eyes I'm still the buck toothed girl who is terribly bow legged. But, I've had strong/positive female influences in my life who taught me about self love, so that may have something to do with me being able to walk with my head held high. Often times some people confuse those who dress nicely and are self aware with being conceited or stuck up, which is not fair. Especially when you know the humility that lives within your heart. I'm a middle child who grew up in a single parent house hold, that alone should tell you I had to grow up with a sense of humor all while maintaining a stiff upper lip.
I definitely do not take myself or the clothes I wear seriously. Yeah I like nice clothes, who doesn't? But, clothing can only take you so far. A sense of self is what makes the overall look come together. Case in point: if the shirt I was wearing didn't say BALMAIN and was a basic T-shirt, I would still be the same person. I know that when I throw this shirt back in my closet I'm still the girl who used to stuff her training bra with her mom's shoulder pads until puberty hit. I know I'm still the person who sobs while watching certain Disney movies.
Clothes and designer labels do not make you who you are. They're nice, but they are things. And beauty is only skin deep. True beauty comes from the core of one's self. Remember, you are the main piece to your wardrobe. You wear your clothes, not the other way around.
Until next time,
Shirt: Balmain H&M
Belt: F21
Pants: H&M
Jacket: F21
Necklace: F21
Watch: Michael Kors